
信誉最好的网投十大平台教堂, 高耸于主广场之上的宏伟建筑, has stood as an architectural icon and Hartford landmark for more than 85 years, 里面发生的事情可能更引人注目. 这座教堂长期以来一直是人们的慰藉之处, 灵感, 为学生学习, 教师, 以及学院的工作人员, 以及大哈特福德社区.

艾利森·里德牧师, 大学牧师兼精神和宗教生活主任, 注意到该空间对社区的积极影响. “We all aspire to fulfill fairly high ideals in our work at the college,她说。. “And yet the true labor rests in the day-to-day practices of studying and learning, listening and collaborating to cultivate both growth in our students and enough care and collegiality to sustain us all in community.”


New Trinity undergraduates come in contact with the Chapel within their first few days on campus, as the Matriculation ceremony—where every new student signs the official Matriculation register—takes place each fall during Orientation. 这一传统将信誉最好的网投十大平台的几代校友与今天的学生联系在一起.

全年, the Chapel serves as a gathering space for the community in times of celebration as well as tragedy, 一个欢迎所有人分享他们的烦恼的地方, 担忧, 和感受. 事件 include the First-Year Candle Lighting Ceremony during Orientation that features welcoming speeches from students, 教师, 和工作人员. 无伴奏音乐会, 节日装饰派对, and even unexpected events such as the Spa Chapel—where stations for meditation, 瑜伽, 同时提供按摩服务,吸引了很多学生. 一年一度的教堂舞会, 一场慈善晚宴,以提高人们对哈特福德营养计划的认识, invites all members of the community to enjoy a three-course meal and a variety of musical performances.

克里斯托弗·海格, 英语教授, 教堂在黑暗时期也可以作为光源. “我以前的一个学生差点在25岁时意外去世他说。, “some of his friends and I worked with Chaplain Read to plan a memorial service that took place in the Chapel.” Other meaningful occasions include the Transgender Day of Remembrance gathering each November to memorialize those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence.

Carrie Robinson, director of LGBTQ+ Life, says the Chapel has a “far-reaching” role. “It seeks to create an inclusive environment where each individual finds a place within religious and spiritual life,罗宾逊说. “我认为在大学校园里, 在教堂和LGBTQ+生活之间找到如此紧密的联系是很罕见的, 但在信誉最好的网投十大平台, 这是一种非常牢固的伙伴关系和合作,我非常重视.”

“所有人的安全天堂”是Macie Bridge ' 21对教堂的描述. “I remember just being in awe of how this beautiful space on campus could bring together so many other students like myself who wanted to share in their faith journey together,她说。. “作为一名学生,这是我一直感激的事情, we’re incredibly lucky to have this space to come together in worship and community.”

教堂也用作教室. 海格是将教堂融入课程的教师之一. 每次我教赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的课, 这门课要花一天的时间来公开阅读 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》他说。. “每次, 我们花了一天的一部分时间在地下室教堂, 牧师里德朗读了“布道”这一章.’ ”

As one might expect, the Chapel holds a variety of religious services and ceremonies. The diverse team in the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life provides resources to carry forward the Episcopal tradition and to support Roman Catholic, 犹太人, 穆斯林, 佛教生活以及新教基督教的各种表现形式. The team welcomes and engages students with all kinds of backgrounds and interests, and the Charleston House of Interfaith Cooperation emphasizes bringing together people from across different worldviews.

Hillel Director Lisa Kassow recalls a concert held at the Chapel during the spring of 2019. 教堂歌手表演 奇切斯特诗篇 这是伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)的一首伟大的希伯来合唱作品,”她说. “Student participants in both Hillel and Chapel Singers suggested an additional performance on Shabbat at the Zachs Hillel House followed by Shabbat dinner together, 为所有人创造深度丰富的体验.”

最近的其他合作包括举办斋月开斋, 穆斯林用来开斋的晚餐, and an Interfaith Friendship Feast that fostered discussions about shared values such as community, 正义, 平等, 和好客.


音乐表达是教堂生活的主要内容. 教堂歌手的成员, 成立于1825年,是学院历史最悠久的学生组织, 来自不同的背景和学科. 该团体定期在教堂礼拜仪式上唱歌, 在学校的主要场合和校园音乐会表演, 并在美国各地巡回演出,偶尔也会到国外演出. 克里斯托弗胡莉, John Rose College Organist-and-Directorship Distinguished Chair of Chapel Music and adjunct professor of music, 自2017年以来一直领导这个小组, 当时他接替了长期担任大学风琴手的约翰·罗斯.

胡莉, 一位国际知名的管风琴演奏家,他一直保持着音乐会的生涯, says he’s proud that visitors to the Chapel include members of the Greater Hartford community in addition to individuals from Trinity. “教堂是哈特福德最伟大的音乐场所之一, and a glance at the variety of performances here over the course of a year shows how much the community values this space,胡莉说. He pointed to the Hartford Symphony Orchestra’s two sold-out concerts last fall during the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford, 有60年历史的圣诞颂歌节, 三一管风琴系列, and the summer chamber and carillon concerts as examples of open-to-the-public offerings. 的钟, 由49个铜铃组成,由教堂塔楼上的键盘演奏, 在信誉最好的网投十大平台待了将近一个世纪.

Borden W. 小画家. ’58, H’95, 历史学教授, 名誉, 也是学院的前任校长, says he fondly remembers the time he spent in the Chapel during his undergraduate years, 特别是在晚祷仪式期间. “1954年,我作为一名大一新生来到这里,他说, ”,, 和当时很多地方一样, 要求出席礼拜堂. 每天早上都有祷告,周日早上也有礼拜, but Evensong [a centuries-old service of sung prayer] was the service everyone wanted to attend.”

教堂的声音对玛蒂尔德·索奎来说也很重要, 她是班级的毕业生代表,也是天主教社区的积极成员. “献给音乐爱好者, 这个空间是一个超然体验的容器, 其次是跨文化交流, 有意义的谈话, 还有欢乐的饭菜,她说。. “作为一名学生, I greatly enjoyed attending concerts in the Chapel and the dinners that would often follow. 作为一个国际学生, 教堂变成了一个我能找到善良的地方, 病人, 与有同理心的人交谈,并从他们那里得到指导.”


Chapel architect Philip Frohman, who also designed the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.在他的设计中包含了精神和历史的主题. 雕刻复杂的长凳和跪凳两端是为了纪念大学的传统, 总统, 和校友, as well as accounts from scripture; stained-glass windows uniquely memorialize both biblical history and figures including transcendentalists Emerson and Thoreau; and wood carvings depict pilgrimages, 包括乔叟的 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》. 然而,, 教堂馆长克里斯托弗·罗91年, 他在信誉最好的网投十大平台的毕业论文是关于教堂的, 晚些时候, 他在哈佛大学关于弗罗曼的论文, 注意到教堂, 因为大萧条, 没有按照原计划完成. “The 信誉最好的网投十大平台 Chapel is a great—and sadly unfinished—architectural and theological jewel,罗说。. “我们有建筑的图纸、叙述和蓝图.”

The college is beginning a campaign to provide for the necessary renovation of the Chapel, 防止雨水侵入,确保建筑结构的完整性. 修复建筑物并资助其维护, 工作人员, 和编程非常值得信誉最好的网投十大平台校友的支持, 71年的威廉·雷诺兹说, 查普尔竞选的主席. 雷诺兹, 学院的前任理事和秘书, 他回忆说,他花了很多时间在地穴教堂学习, 管风琴的声音作为背景音乐的地方. 雷诺兹 says such memories and the Chapel’s iconic visual importance inspired him to get involved in the effort to save the building and to allow its spiritually broad programs for all students to flourish for generations to come.
“The very construction of this magnificent building represents idealism and faith in the future,雷诺兹说. “教堂, 比如主四合院的历史建筑, provides a connection to the best 灵感s of the past that continue to evolve into Trinity’s vibrant future.”